Boombod Meal Prep Sandwich & Sachet

A Day In The Life: Sarah from HQ

Posted by Sarah on

Hey 👋 Hi 👋 Hello! 

Well, hello there BOOMSQUAD! Are you as excited about this blog as I am?! We’re about to shake things up, and break things down on an all too personal level (well, for me anyways)! I’m starting on my own fitness/ weight loss journey, and I wanted to share what a typical day looks like for me in relation to my diet, exercise, and of course Boombod!

sarah eating boombod avocado toast

For those who don’t know, I’m Sarah and I’m the writer of some of the magical Boomblogs you have all come to know and love. You may recognize me from my many Boombod TikTok cameos  💁 Outside of here though, I’m also a mom to a toddler (pray for me), a wife, and a full time employee. My life is pretty hectic sometimes, and I know all too well about the struggle to prepare healthy meals and stay on top of an exercise routine. I definitely haven’t perfected it, but I’m working on it. I thought some of you mama’s (and non mama’s) could relate - because life is CRAZY. So, let’s talk about it!

I get asked all the time, by both customers, and people in my personal life “do you actually use Boombod? Do you like it? Does it work?” The answer to all those questions — YES! I really do use it, and I really do love it! I’ve used every flavor (Black 🍒 Cherry is the bomb, just sayin) - and honestly I don’t know that I would have had the motivation to start my health journey, had I not started using it. We preach it, write about it, and advise it all the time, but it REALLY does matter how we treat our bodies. Boombod definitely gave me the push I needed, and now I’m eating better all the time. I’m going to break my day down in the form of the two “E’s” - eating and exercising.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry 

What better place to start than breakfast, right?! Typically, I don’t have a lot of time in the mornings. Between getting myself ready, and getting a toddler fed dressed and out the door, I NEED something quick. I take my Boombod shot after my shower, and drink my water while I get ready. After that, it’s time to eat! One of my FAV recipes - Avocado toast. Loaded with fiber, packed with Vitamins, and delicious! Takes me about 3 minutes to prep it, and I’m out the door!
Looking to elevate it a bit? Check out one of my favourite ways to make it 🥑

boombod avocado toast recipe

Avocado Toast Ingredients:

  • One medium avocado
  • Two slices of your favourite whole grain bread
  • Baby radishes
  • Baby peas
  • Half a lemon (or bottle lemon juice)
  • 1 tsp Nutritional yeast (tastes like cheese - YUM)

This one is super easy, ya’ll! Toast your bread, and mash the avocado on top once toasted. While your bread is toasting, slice your radishes as thin as you can. Once you have your avocado mashed, sprinkle both slices with about ½ teaspoon of nutritional yeast per slice. Top it with your baby peas, and radish slices. Squeeze a little lemon juice on top and you’ll be ready to embrace the day 💪

OK OK - that breakfast was filling but let’s be real, I’m TOTALLY ready for lunch by noon! I wish I could say I always meal prep my lunches ahead of time, but the reality is I don’t always have the time or the energy. I like to keep it simple, and sandwiches are one the best way to do that! I mean, I pack it in a meal prep container, so that counts for something right?! Also, it has a compartment for my Boombod shot - how cute, right?! Check out this video showing how I make my healthier version of egg salad 👇

Exercise: Owning that Elliptical

Alright, so maybe I don’t FULLY own the elliptical, but I haven’t fallen off yet (that i’d admit) so I count that as a win! The work day is over, and it’s almost time to head home. I am not a morning person though, and really my only free time tends to come in the evenings. So, this is the point in which I get my workout in. I try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio (sometimes I do more, sometimes less, it depends on the day). Some people may not like cardio, but I really do get enjoyment out of getting my blood pumping!

boombod exercise elliptical

Next up, it’s time to work my muscles. I’m working on my upper body strength (ya girl has like, uh, none) so I like to do a few workouts on the bench using dumbbells. IF I’m not dead ☠️after all of that, I’ll even throw in an ab workout on the floor using medicine balls (my abs must be there somewhere, right?!). I don’t spend hours at the gym, but it is important for me to stay active. So even 30 to 45 minutes during your day could do the trick! Alright, my workout is done. Time to head home, and scarf down my last meal of the day! 

Dinner Is Served

Dinner is without question, my absolute favourite meal of the day! Nothing like having a full belly and while kicking back for the night. I like to take my Boombod shot right before I start cooking, that way when I’m done cooking it’s right around the perfect time to eat! 

It’s important for me to make meals that are filling, without being filled with unhealthy fillers. The mom in me wanted to share a crowd pleaser - my son is PICKY and he loves this meal ⬇️

boombod chicken skewer recipe

Avocado Pesto Chicken Skewers:

  • Four boneless skinless chicken breasts - you’ll need kabab skewers for this as well! 
  • One large lemon
  • Two avocados
  • Four tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • Half a jar of basil pesto
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cut your chicken into one inch by one inch cubes
  • Place your chicken cubes into a large bowl, add in one tablespoon of your oil and set the rest aside. 
  • You’ll need to zest a lemon - which is just a fancy way of saying scrape the shiny yellow part of the ring off. You can use any small bladed cheese grater for this! Zest your entire lemon, and add the shavings into the chicken bowl. Salt and pepper the chicken to taste.
  • Mix the chicken up thoroughly, until evenly coated with the spice/lemon mixture.
  • Put your chicken onto your skewers, so the cubes are stacked one of top of the other
  • While you’re doing that, have an indoor grill pan or outdoor barbecue heating on medium heat
  • Place your skewers on the grill, and cook for about 5-7 minutes, flipping frequently.
  • While the chicken is cooking, add your pesto, remaining olive oil, juice of half the lemon, salt and pepper and two avocados (removed from the rind) into a food processor: blend until smooth!
  • Top your chicken with the pesto sauce, and serve with roasted sweet potatoes. YUM 😍

Boombod Chicken Skewers Healthy

There you have it, folks! That’s my typical day in a nutshell! It can be really easy for us to feel overwhelmed or discouraged when it comes to a weight loss journey, and it’s definitely not always easy. It’s all about finding what works for you, and always being open to trying new things. It does make it a little easier to avoid the bad foods with Boombod by my side, though!

I hope this gave you a little inspo - and maybe a new recipe (or two) to try! Also, Boombod is BOGO FREE right now so there’s literally no better time to get started! 🙌


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